Our initiative to Promote the best eco-friendly products
One side Elon Reeve Musk FRS and some other peoples are working on the road to making humanity multi-planetary and Trying to make Mars a new home for humans and on another side, there are some environmentalists that are trying to save our present home “earth”. It doesn’t matter at which side you are, but the thing that matters here is that both sides know what we have done wrong in our past and still doing, and their side effects, that we started seeing in the last few decades, and these are expected to be more frightening in the upcoming years.
As Wikipedia states: A person who is a supporter of the goals of the environmental movement can be considered as an environmentalist, Here, the environmental movement can be a political and ethical movement that seeks to improve and protect the quality of the natural environment through changes to environmentally harmful human activities.
Are You an Environmentalist?
So, Environmentalists can be anyone who is concerned with and/or advocates for the protection of the environment. From Jadav Molai Payeng to Vandana Shiva and from eco-friendly product manufacturers to people who sell or prefer those products, and people who are making others aware of the environmental problems, all are environmentalists.
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Plastic: the Most Harmful Invention
Pollution on a large scale is the problem here, and we “the” human being is the protagonist of this film as well as the villain. because it invented Plastic and started using it on a massive scale. The use of plastic is so widespread that it has also reached where humans themselves could not reach. Plastic alone is polluting the three basic elements of this planet i.e. air, water, and soil. Maybe Alexander Parkes,Leo Baekeland, Hermann Staudinger, Herman Mark whoever invented it and bring it into our daily life did not know how much harm his invention will cause.
Plastic and plastic products are the most harmful human inventions that are killing not only billions of creatures every year but also our planet. After it, vehicles come into my list but we have seen some improvement in the last few years thanks to e-vehicles and Tesla, So we are keeping it aside from now. To save our planet and valuable life of billions of creatures we have to do something, something now, something necessary. So What these small changes are?
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Start with small Changes
We are not talking to gather crowd, or force people to buy eco-friendly products, or do agitation. Just small changes in your own lifestyle.
We will not even ask you to just plant trees blindly because people these days are doing this work to get their pictures published in newspapers. And then, after the publicity stunt is over, these people forgot those poor plants. We want you to just water those dying plants, and you don’t have to invest money or something, You can use RO Waste water, water that you used to wash fruits, vegetables, etc. But make sure to use water from the bathroom/ washroom etc.
It is just one from many, but I have more and I am going to share with you through our follow-up articles. One of them is using the alternative of substances that are harming our environment. You can check Best Eco-Friendly Alternatives for the Plastic and you can bring the alternatives into your life.
Our initiative to Promote the best eco-friendly products
In the same view, we talked with a few people and companies that are engaged in eco-friendly product manufacturing and distribution work and done some research to bring the best alternative products of the plastic and other products in front of you. One of the companies that responded to your messages and agreed to share details and information about the product and process is GRIO.

GRIO is an India based company that do businesses of Eco-friendly (Biodegradable) products, and we will introduce to this company and their work in the upcoming articles. Along with Grio, we are also talking to My bamboo bathroom, Ecowaii, and a few local manufacturers and sellers. And we will cover each of them in our upcoming articles.
Companies and products we covered
- Grio’s Eco-friendly Products to replace Disposable Plates & Cutlery
- BioQ : Perfect Eco-Friendly Replacement for Plastic Gifts and Stationery
- How Pepaa – Sustainable Solutions Provider is Undoing Climate Change?
I initiated alone to find these alternative products, use them personally, and promote them here at We Observed with others and I just need your support. You can include these products in your daily life, these products do not cost much, almost equal to the plastic products and by spending the same amount you are actually saving billions of creatures and most importantly our own planet. So join us, stay updated, and use the alternative of plastic products and also encourage others to do the exact same.
I know, now you will ask What will happen if I (an individual) change alone? and don’t worry I have an answer with my hard words.
Must Read:How to Utilize RO Wastewater & Stop Insane water wastage in RO
The Evergreen Excuse
If you are hiding behind this excuse then trust me you are not special, almost everyone is doing the ‘exact same’. And If you are asking this question to someone else, then believe me normal people can’t answer this question because they never tried to change something, they are happy with banning plastic bags and ignores products that come in plastic packaging.
And if someone knows and really observed what a single person’s small change can do, trust me his/her answer will change you, and your perspective towards life, nature, and the environment. It is because they already experienced it and are doing something bigger. And to understand the possible/potential outcome you need to bring change into your life first. And we are not asking for donating your kidney, we are requesting you to just use the alternative of the harmful products, That’s it.
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The following line just buzzing in my mind while I was planning a single part of this article from last month and maybe encourage you to take some small steps to use the Eco-friendly alternative of plastic and other harmful products.
Change can not be brought along by an individual, but one person can initiate alone.
Maybe I am also an environmentalist, who started this website to suggest the best product for you. However, even after it, choosing a product or getting away is your decision. Similarly, here I am going to suggest some products that will not impact you and your busy daily life much but it will definitely impact the lives of billions, our mother nature, environment, and Planet Earth.
Also Check: Eco-Friendly Inventions to Save Earth from becoming Garbage
I hope you will understand the goal of our initiative and you will join us too on your journey. With this hope I would like to conclude this article, thank you for your time and patience, keep visiting, share it with your friends, and have a great day.
Full support for your initiative… You are doing a great job. keep doing it. I have gone through some of your posts and just like others this article is nicely prepared with proper planning, it is not just a few hour writing
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