Happy New Year Guys, I know we messed around last year but finally, we are back. We are back on the Best day (First day of the Year 2019). So without doing more emotional atyachar (Torture), lets talk about today’s topic ” Top 10 observable Tech invention of 2018″.
So the year 2018 was the amazing year for inventions and technology we have also seen some good invention in the Eco- Friendly Technology field. Which really makes some sense because it is necessary for our environment and earth.
Top 10 Observable Tech Invention of 2018
So now coming back to “Top 10 observable Tech Invention of 2018” and below is our list, containing inventions and innovative ideas of the year 2018 but let me clear this thing that this is not the complete list of the invention, but it is our favorite. These inventions are really awesome and having uniqueness in them.
Aira is a more than a subscription service because it really makes life a bit easier for low vision or blind people. Aira connects these peoples to highly trained, remotely-located 24/7 available agents. The Remotely Located agents can then answer questions, describe objects or guide users through a location using live streaming video coming from either a smartphone or Aira’s proprietary glasses.
The Subscription starting at $99 per month for the standard plan. Aira is a combination of an innovative Idea, highly trained agents, smart technology and AI. It is at the top of our list because it really deserves this position. It gives low vision people the freedom to do things on their own. By the way, it is also on the top of Time’s ” The Best Inventions of 2018″.
2. WHILL Model Ci
WHILL Model Ci, Another result of Technology and idea. WHILL Model Ci is an advanced, smart and lightweight electric wheelchair. This new electric wheelchair has Specially engineered front omni-wheels, which allow it to ride up to 10 miles indoors or outdoors, climb obstacles ( up to two inches in height ). The Wheelchair can also be disassembled in minutes, enabling easy transport. The Model Ci is priced around $3,999 and almost 10,000 units have been sold since its January debut.
Model Ci also has its own app for smartphones, so use your iPhone app to remotely drive, lock/unlock, and choose a drive mode for Model Ci.
3. LYNQ Family Compass
LYNQ is a tinny and cool compass that points to family and friends. It basically shows the real-time distance and direction of connected people. LYNQ is available for Pre-Order and most amazing thing about this product is that it doesn’t need Phone, Cell Network, Wifi, Maps, and Apps. This device enables Real-time tracking for up to 12 people, It is waterproof and has 3 days of battery life on a single charge.
4. NEWgenerator Turns Sewage into Eco-Friendly Energy
This invention was also on the list of4 Eco-Friendly Inventions to Save Earth from becoming Garbage and New Inventions to get Eco-Friendly Energy.The NEWgenerator system isdeveloped by the team from the University of South Florida.NEWgenerator systemcan recover energy, clean water, and fertilizer from sewage. This New Eco-Friendly System can be attached to existing toilet blocks to process sewage waste into three usable resources – energy, clean water, and fertilizer.
Government-installed Community Ablution Blocks (CABs) contain toilets, showers, and sinks. The NEWgenerator allows them to operate without being connected to the sewage system.
5. Fuse

Fuse is a risk monitoring device, The device uses machine learning to capture, and analyze the risk of musculoskeletal injuries. It runs data through an algorithm to generate a given worker’s Safety Score. It helps StrongArm using IOT Sensors to understand the factors that contribute to injury and deliver the appropriate interventions. Since April, Fuse has been used by more than 10,000 workers, including those from 10Fortune100 companies.
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6. Seabin V5 Hybrid
The Seabin is a floating bin that collects all the rubbish which are located in the waterat marinas, docks, yacht clubs, and commercial ports. this invention also has the potential to collect a percentage of oils, dirt and pollutants floating on the surface of the water. The working is really simple that it moves up and down with the range of tide collecting all floating rubbish. All the Water is sucked in from the surface and passes through a catch bag inside the Seabin, with a submersible water pump capable of displacing 25.000 LPH (liters per hour), plugged directly into 110/220 V outlet. After all the good work all the water without rubbish is then pumped back into the marina. Only the unwanted things got trapped in the catch bag to be disposed of properly.
Crypto Anchors
According to some online sources, we found that fraud costs the global economy over $600 billion every year and Crypto-anchors could be the near perfect solution for this challenge. It is named as one of 5 key technology trends in recent research by IBM. Consisting of cryptographic mechanisms, they provide a high-security level and can add value across many industries. Within the next five years, crypto-anchors like ink dots or tiny computers (smaller than a grain of salt) will be built in multiple physical goods and even everyday devices and objects.it will be used together with blockchain to ensure an object’s authenticity from its origin to the time it reaches the endpoint.
HP Metal Jet
In September, HPhas announced the launch of its metal 3D printing technology. The technology will be integrated intoHP Metal Jet. HP Metal Jet aims to deliver the mass production of functional end-use metal parts with up to 50 x more productivity compared to current binder jetting and selective laser melting technologies.
AI Microscopes
The AI Microscope is listed in5 key technology trends in recent research by IBM. The AI microscope has no lens and relies on an imager chip. The imager chip is similar to the one in any cell phone. With the imager chip, it captures the shadow of the plankton as it swims over the chip, generating a digital sample of its health, without the need for focusing. As IBM researcher Tom Zimmerman said, This small, autonomous 3D microscopes can be placed in bodies of water to use plankton as an environmental sensor network.
10. Myo Armband

We have seen FitBit and Brain Bit which was on Number 1 in our list of 10 Innovative Tech gadgets of 2016 and now in 2018 an advanced band was in trend The “Myo armband”. MYo armband is an amazing technology invention of 2018. Myo Band can be used in video games and also during surgeries. It is a rigid pod which consists of rubber cords holding all the tiny sensors in place. These armbands can be easily 3D printed on a global scale in near future. Myo Band will be helpful for surgeons to perform operations much more accurately and successfully.
Actually, Myo Armband is here for a while it was first seen in around 2013-14. But in 2018 we have seen a mobile version which does not need a USB and external source to power it up.
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So Finally, This is our list of Top 10 Observable Tech Invention of 2018,but there are much more and you can easily find them on the internet. some of them are also easily available to buy and use to do that, Just go to the official websites of these products, Read about it and order them if available, There are also some upcoming gadgets which can be pre-ordered through the related website. The year 2018 was very good for technology, gadgets, and innovative ideas and We hope that the next year will be even better for tech-related inventions. If you Like our Post Please do share and bookmark. If you have any Suggestion you can use the comment section. Good Luck and Wish You another happy and healthy Year. “Happy New Year 2019“.