Are Games Bad for You? Or have people lied to you till now?

Each year new innovative games make the experience even more immersive and with the virtual reality around the corner, the games will become even more addictive. But, have you ever wondered if playing video games can be bad for you?

Well, we have both the good news and the bad one for you. So let’s find out.

There have been several studies done on this topic with mixed results. Also, now that gaming is not just restricted to computers, a large number of people spend most of their time playing games on their smartphones. The studies also reveal that the average age of people playing games has increased, it’s not just kids or teenagers anymore that are killing their time on PCs, smartphones, or any other gaming devices.

But, some of the studies also show that games when played for a limited period of time and with many disciplines, then it proves to be good for the health of people to some extent. As it improves hand-eye coordination, it also lets your brain do some exercise while playing brain games.

However, the health benefits are very limited and only effective when the games are played in a disciplined manner.

Gaming Addiction: Causes & Symptoms

Gaming Addiction: Causes & Symptoms

As long you play video games for enjoyment purposes, it’s nothing to worry about. But, as soon as you indulge too much in a game and its overall feeling your brain tends to release a chemical known as ”Dopamine” which is responsible for your concentration and learning. But, the same is also released when people do drugs.

An addiction to a game will certainly increase the level of Dopamine in your brain causing a gaming disorder. WHO (World Health Organisation) defines gaming disorder as “a pattern of gaming behavior (“digital-gaming” or “video-gaming”) characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences.”

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What Causes A Gaming Addiction

  • Increased level of Dopamine while playing video games.
  • Instant Gratification after completing small tasks in video games leads to a higher urge to complete the game quickly.
  • Escapism from the real world situation and avoid other life problems.
  • Lack of Social Interaction.

Symptoms of Video Game Addiction

  • Gradual increase in the playing time.
  • Gameplay hovering in your mind during other activities.
  • Sleep disorder with anxiety and depression
  • Lying to friends and family for extra playtime.
  • Irritation and anger when stopped or interrupted in between.

So, how this addiction to playing video games leads to several problems which can deteriorate your health both physically and mentally.

From here we will talk about the positive and negative effects of video games on us. Whether you are a child or you have a game addicted child

Are Games Bad for You?

Are Games Bad for You?

Let us now understand the effects caused due to high level of gaming, and how serious it can become if not treated well.

Unhealthy Lifestyle

When you are playing video games straight for several hours you are just stuck to the same position without any movement which is not good at all. The prolonged habit would negatively impact your posture and causes cramps in your body as well.

Over gaming also leads you to skip meals which would ultimately result in loss of appetite and malnutrition.

On the other hand, some people develop poor eating habits and are more prone to get obese as they just sit for long hours in front of the screen without performing any physical activity.

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Eyesight Weakening

This is a major side effect of extended gaming as most people get so involved in playing video games they often forget to blink their eyes while playing. This badly impacts your eyesight and put extra strain on your sensitive eye nerves.

In general, one should follow a 20-20-20 rule while video gaming, which means after every 20 minutes one should put aside his controller and look at something that is 20 feet away from you for almost 20 seconds.

But, most people while playing MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) such as PUBG & battleground arena, which is designed in such a way that a single match almost lasts for 45 to 60 minutes and people forget about any rule and hence badly impacting the eyesight in the longer time frame.


Backache is another common yet serious problem caused by long hours of video gaming. When you play video games for a very long time in the same posture it could lead to serious neck and spine problems such as:

  • Decreased Blood Circulation
  • Misaligned Spine
  • Digestive Problems
  • Stiffness in Neck & Shoulders

Migraine & other Mental Health Problems

Aggressive video gaming can also cause a temporary headache which may further lead to permanent migraine. Staring continuously at the screen for hours often causes several other problems such as:

  • Vomiting or Nausea
  • Brain Fog
  • Body Numbness
  • Reduced Sensitivity to sound & light

Also, some games like Mortal Kombat that involve fighting and brutal killings may prompt a change in one’s behavior over a long period of time. The effect of such video games is deep enough to cause violence & aggressiveness in your behavior.

These are some of the serious complications that may occur over the long term, so it is better to be aware beforehand of these conditions and be a responsible gamer.

So, if questions like are video games bad for your brain? pop-up into your mind, then I hope you got the answer till now. However, there are some benefits as well, which are listed below.

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Can Video Games Be Even Good For You?

Can Video Games Be Even Good For You?

Well, you will be surprised to know that a moderate amount of gaming can be good for your overall health.

Let us know how?

Improves Hand-Eye Coordination

Video games require you to have full attention to win a certain stage or level in a game, be it a shooting game or a racing game both require perfect hand-eye coordination to win over others.

A gradual improvement is seen in such people who play games moderately for enjoyment or to get away from their hectic schedule every now and then.

Gain Problem-Solving Skills

Your brain is continuously on work while playing games and is aggressively engaged to solve the situations in a game which ultimately helps you in real life as well. It is seen that people playing brain games often are good problem solvers in real life too.

Also, people become better team players as they play and coordinate with the other players in virtual reality as well.

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Increased Concentration

One of the few positive effects of playing video games is increased concentration level.

In order to win a game, you need to really focus well and better than others, which in turn increases the ability to concentrate.

Every time you enter the battlefield you need to plan your strategies to defeat a player. The constant strategy and decision-making while analyzing all the situations help you in real life too.

Enhance Multi-Tasking Ability

Whenever you play a video game you tend to focus on multiple things around you be it a map, the other players, or even the continuous instructions at each level. All these things enhance your multi-tasking ability to a great extent.

The multiple project handling capability of people increases with such gaming activity, hence proving again why video games can be good for you.

Are Games Bad for You? Final Thought

So now you can decide whether video games are good or bad for you?

The answer is both yes and no again, so if you play games for entertainment and for relaxing your mood then it is a good exercise that can greatly benefit you by enhancing your overall capability to deal with people and circumstances in real-life situations.

But, if you get addicted and can’t restrict yourself from indulging in extensive gaming then it can seriously impact both your physical and mental ability. You may not see immediate effects but in long term, your brain does get affected by these video games.

Overall moderate gaming is the key to being focused and relaxed in life!

So what do you think about our extensive article on “Is Video Gaming Good or Bad”. Do tell us in the comments, are you an aggressive gamer or a moderate one, and which type of video game impacts your health both positively and negatively.

Image Credits: Photo by zhang kaiyv, RODNAE Productions, Jessica Lewis Creative, Anurag Sharma

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About the Author: Sourabh Kumar

Namaste ! I am Sourabh Kumar, co-founder of Souetal Solutions. I live in Jaipur and managing all the work with a team of freelancers from around the world. I have experience of content writing, digital marketing, and SEO and many other fields.

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